Robert and Bibbi II in Christianshavns Canal on May 4th.
There was a lot of things to do on May 1st before I could leave home in Mölndal and go south to Bibbi II in Höganäs. A couple of hours later then planned I arrived at the boat and could work with the final arrangements. Robert joined us in te afternoon, and while I worked on the boat, Ingrid and Robert went shopping.
Flakfort at a distance when we leave it for Sweden.
On saturday morning there was not much wind so I left Limhamn as soon as possible. For some reason I had not read all the notices about Falsterbo canal. Or rather, I had misunderstood them. I knew that opening of the bridge was restricted, but I was sure Bibbi II would pass under that bridge. But they also had closed the locks, which I had not noticed. The locks were only opened once every hour. But I arrived five minutes before 12 so I didn't have to wait too long.
The harbour in Abbekås.
Sunday gave me another fine day at sea with no waves and brought me from Abbekås to Simrishamn. The weather was real fine with high temprature in the air. But only 7 degrees in the water along the coast. We have to wait a long time for summer!
On Monday I crossed the Swedish "Biscaya" Hanöbukten, known for strong winds and big waves. But this day he sea was absolutely calm, apart from the last hour when I got into a thunderstorm. There was heavy rain, hundreds of lightnings and heavy wind, but only for a very short time when I was very close to shore and almost by the harbour I was aiming for. Thunder at sea is always frightening, but this time everything was OK and just before I was ready to moor at Tärnö all rain and thunder disappeared. Later I read that the lightning had caused fire in several houses at shore.
During the crossing Bibbi II was twice attaced by large numbers of insects.
It was very unpleasant and I fiercely defended the boat against them. My final victory came with the rain.
One of the insects survived my defense, but not for long after this picture was shot!
I had planned to stay at Tärnö one day to walk around the island, but the weather was rather dull, so on Tuesday I sailed on to Karlskrona and spent the afternoon strolling around in the city center.
A hell of a lot of insects on board | A friendly fisherman gave the birds something to eat | Rescuetraining at sea |
Slottsfjärden between Kalmar city and the castle.
Bibbi in Sandhamn harbour
Friday gave me a nice day at sea but when I entered the harbour in Kalmar there were strong winds which made it difficult to moor.
Kalmar Castle from the Sound | Slottsfjärden between the castle and the city | The Dome in Kalmar |
On Sunday I left Kalmar and had a very nice cruise northwards in Kalmar Sound. For the night I found a nice natural harbour by Kiddesholmen where I anchored. | ||
The bridge between Kalmar and Öland | Blå Jungfrun, the tiny legendary island in northern Kalmar Sound |
On Monday I continued to Västervik to get fuel and do some shopping. I passed the beautiful fishingvillage Händelöp. | ||
| A boathouse in Händelöp, an old fishermens village south of Västervik | The harbour at Händelöp |
This nice house I saw between Stora and Lilla Grindö. |
Lilla Arnholmen at left and Stora Arnholmen at right. |
Bibbi moored in the harbour at Harstena.
Unfortunately the winds were rather strong on Sunday when I was leaving Harstena, so it would have been a bit too risky to anchor Bibbi by the Arnholm islands and get ashore with the dinghy. Anyway, I had another look around and then continued northwards.
On Monday May 24th I left Oxelösund to go to Nyköping to take pictures of an old historical canal that was never finished. There was supposed to be some remainders of it. It was a rather short trip, and I walked along the river but soon found out that I would have to spend the full day in Nyköping to be able to get to the historical parts of the canal. Anyway, Nyköping seems to be a very nice old town. I really would not mind living there!
So after a two hour walk in Nyköping I continued my sailing and finally anchored in a bay of the tiny island Fifång, south of Södertälje.
During the night in Oxelösund a bird started to build a nest on the deck of Bibbi! I should have waited for the eggs. | A group of shipbuilding students had a camp in the bay of Fifång where I anchored. They sailed traditional Swedish boats they had built themselves. |
During Wednesday I sailed around in the southern achipelago of Stockholm. I went to Ornö and to Runmarö to take photos of canals, and I finally moored at Malma Kvarn, a harbour that belongs to Svenska Kryssarklubben, the biggest boatclub of the world.
Bibbi anchored between Runmarö and Storö | The Runmarö harbour |
On Thursday May 27th I cleaned the boat and made things ready for Ingrid to come aboard. That kept me occupied almost all day. I sailed a short distans, 10 nautical miles, from Malma Kvarn to a bridge by Ålstäket, that belongs to one of our relatives.
Early on Friday I leave Bibbi. I go to Gothenburg via bus, train and airplane. I spend Whitsun with Ingrid and with our English friends that have come to Gothenburg to celebrate British Car Week.
Dairy of April | Dairy of June | Dairy of July |